Business Case
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Frontrunners in food & frontrunners in tubes collaborate

Kavli and Multitubes realize 47 ton annual plastic savings.

100% mono-material

Our tube, shoulder and flip top cap can be made from 100% polyethylene and fit every recycling stream in the world.

Reusable tubes

Multitubes offers an easy to refill tube, which can be refilled with for example pouches or a 300ml Multitubes nozzle tube.


Heks*nkaas, a famous Dutch dip, introduced an award winning tube solution for their existing product.

Marks & Spencer's first recycled plastic packaging

Sustainable trendsetters M&S have launched a sustainable product line including our tubes made from recycled materials.

Multitubes becomes 100% waste neutral

Everything you need to know about our two waste streams and how we became waste neutral.

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