The below tube, shoulder and flip top cap are made from 100% polyethylene and fit every recycling stream in the world.
Available from 50ml up to 400ml.

This solution can be used in combination with bio based and recycled materials and can be printed in the most premium techniques.

Our mono-material tubes are now certified by RecyClass and achieved the best possible standard for recyclability.

These 100% recyclable tubes are combinable with post-consumer recycled material, pre-consumer recycled material and bio-based plastics.



Why mono-material?

By brining down several raw materials to 1 material you optimize your pack for it’s journey after use.

100% of the raw materials used will be recycled, meaning no materials used to produce this tube will be lost after use.

Big and small brands are moving away from multi-material packaging. For this we offer the perfect solution.


Our mono-material tubes are also available with ABL-matching barriers and in an airless solution.


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New innovations at Paris Packaging Week

Verified Biodegradability

Recycled tubes made from fishing nets

Multitubes and 0:Seanet have joined forces to create a new level of tubes for cosmetics. Through the expertise in tubes from Multitubes and the state of the art granulate from 0:Seanet, we have made it possible.

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